Information for parents

Please note: you will find a wealth of useful information and links to other web sites by referring to our ‘Links to sites‘ page.

NDP3 Speech Builder for parents and carers

The parents or carers of any child receiving speech and language therapy from any SLT/P using NDP3 may buy a copy of NDP3 Speech Builder for home use at a 50% discount.

To order, please email your name, address and name of SLT/P to

This offer doesn’t apply to other NDP3 resources and is not available in our online store.

NDP3 reference articles

How I (2) Phonology: Never too soon to start
Heather Saunders

The article describes how Heather used NDP3 to successfully treat a pre-school child with autism and verbal Dyspraxia.

Click here to read Heather’s article.

This article was originally published in the journal Speech & Language Therapy in Practice.

Dyspraxia: finding help

In the UK, parents or guardians concerned about a child showing symptoms of verbal dyspraxia should first contact their GP or Health Visitor for a referral to a local speech and language therapist.

PARENTS: Please also refer to our Links to sites page, which lists many organisations involved with dyspraxia/apraxia
and childhood communication needs.

© Nuffield Centre Dyspraxia Programme Ltd 2018. Please respect our copyright.